Thursday, November 13, 2008

Pissing my Bitchpants

Bitchpants = Wet

Two videos which made me piss myself with laughter:

Cindy McCain Claims She's Just Like Any Other Female Human


Listening to: Devo, "Freedom of Choice"

Monday, November 10, 2008

Please peel me off the ceiling.

Bitchpants = Loose(ning)

I was traveling for work last week, an activity I find very stressful. Please bear with me as I rattle off some of the things that annoyed me while I was away from home, in no particular order:

1) Airport restrooms: is it too much to ask to let me flush my own damn toilet? I'm really tired of shifting my weight on the toilet and having my girly bits unexpectedly bideted with ice cold water. Also, what's with the ten seconds' worth of cold water for hand washing? That can't be healthy.

2) Gum chewing. Adults: I don't want to see your gum, and I don't want to hear your gum. Did your parents not teach you to chew with your mouth closed? Did you spend too much time with your friends, the cows? ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** ***SNAP*** Thank gawd for iPods and noise reduction headphones.

3) Carry-on baggage: small women, if you can't lift your luggage into the overhead bin all by yourself, do us all a favor. Pony up $25 and check the damn thing.

4) Noise pollution: how is anyone supposed to hear gate annoucements over the fifteen cell phone conversations people are having at the top of their lungs? Primary topic of conversation: "Can you hear me now?"

5) Rental cars, or cars generally: Can y'all just HANG UP AND DRIVE? Please. If you don't take your own safety all that seriously, think of mine. I don't want to die because you were making a restaurant reservation instead of piloting that 3000 lb. projectile down the highway at 70 mph. Thank you.

Listening to: Nora Roberts RWA 2008 session