Thursday, June 12, 2008

J.R. Ward's "Lover Enshrined"

Bitchpants = Snug

Things that bugged me about J.R. Ward's latest Black Dagger Brotherhood book called "Lover Enshrined":

1. Shoddy Editing #1 - Referring to the lack of prisons as a problem with the “penile system” deserves a place on the All Time Top Ten List of Editing Groaners.

2. Shoddy Editing #2 - having an acolyte repeatedly call her deity by a transposed name ("Virgin Scribe" instead of "Scribe Virgin") does not instill the requisite awe.

3. Did I mention shoddy editing?

4. Inauthenticity #1 - howlingly bad text messages from the younger men, who do NOT attend "Sweet Valley High."

5. Inauthenticity #2 - the Brothers would NOT say "Laters" or "I'm outtie." Girlfriend, really.

6. The hero and heroine of the book are reduced to a sub-plot IN THEIR OWN DAMN BOOK.

7. Speaking of which? Can we play "Count the Sub-Plots?" If you have used all your fingers and have to start counting on toes? Red flag.

8. Too much brand name-dropping. We get that the Brothers have serious money at their disposal. Phury wearing Calvin Klein underwear? Slumming. But I'd still look.

9. Character interaction - I would have understood the manner in which the Brothers treated Phury (re: his addiction) better if there had been a scene where the Brothers discussed their concerns. Instead we were left with them...just cutting Phury loose to deal with his own problems, which seemed really out of character.

10. Your books are like crack. You haven't lost me yet.

What I'm Listening To: "Mercy" by Duffy

1 comment:

Nicola O. said...


Yup, can't disagree.

I assumed that the Virgin Scribe thing was intentional, not sure why.